Friday, February 27, 2009

creepy, not creepy cool. more stalkerish

so i mentioned peter schiff in my twitter posts, and ron paul starts following me. ofcourse i have no idea who ron paul is because his name just didn't make it to this part of my country - aaand i suck at reading newspapers. so i see his name and think "sweet, a gay guy" thinking that ron paul was his stage tranny name or something, then (ofcourse i write that) THEN i remember that RUPAUL is the tranny. ugh! but too late. i'm already starting to get followers that use "libertarian" in their bio. which is weird, because not only did i refer to ron paul being gay, but i also gave him a shout out that said "um, i think you dont really mean to follow me". but he hasn't unfollowed me, which leads me to one conclusion (ok, 2). ron paul isn't really reading my tweets (so sad cuz he's totally missing out) and 2. maybe ron paul IS reading my tweets, and he's using me as a case study to see how REAL america thinks so that he can use this information to try to overthrow the government. or something. or maybe not at all. and maybe he is just randomly following people. and his followers are just randomly following the people he follows. too bad. i wonder what would happen if i used banana ass ron paul in the same tweet. hmmmm....

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