Friday, April 30, 2010

day 12 - did i miss a day???

ok. i'm going to be honest. i totally spaced day 11. i know it was there, but wtf. i did make spaghetti, but was so tired from work and writing this paper that i did not make a sauce, in fact i had 2 bites of plain spaghetti noodles then went to bed. i know, i didn't get all of my vitamins and good leafy greens and stuff. but i was wiped. and so day 11 passed by without much hurrah.

day 12 started off not so great either. i got to work and realized that my yogurt was bad. i tried to eat it anyway, but it was gross. and i forgot to buy strawberries, so i had 2 sausage links for breakfast. i know. i suck at this.

BUT ----I'm cutting myself some slack - because i've been eating a TON of veggies. I snack on celery and peppers daily. and i've laid off the sweets.

you know what i need that would REALLY make this work for me? my own private chef. and a nutritionist. i'm ok with a nutritionist/chef combo. maybe i should quit subbing and just prepare these meals for people. that will be my job. i'll prepare these healthy meals for people and deliver them to your work. then you can eat healthy, and i can eat healthy and you can pay me. win win win. love it.

i accept paypal. thanks.

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