Saturday, April 24, 2010

day 6

went out for brunch today. made another great choice - a salad with chicken and vinegar and oil as a dressing. :)

not feeling hungry, but still had a snack of celery and cheese (not what was on the menu - but i'm doing an awful job following it right now so i am just trying to make some healthy choices on my own until tomorrow when i'm back on the prescribed plan).

i can't believe it's day 6 and this experiment is half over. I'm feeling great and am excited to see where I am at the end of next week.

Stride gum has become my ever present companion. It helps when i'm having a carb crash in the afternoon. And if i ever get hunger pains (honestly, this has only happened today when I am not on the prescribed menu) then i know that a handful of almonds will quiet my tummy and i won't feel bad about it afterwards.

the menu plan as prescribed by myhealthylife really feeds you ALOT and at times i wondered if i was overeating, cuz i would spend the days stuffed. but my sugar cravings were lessening and i started to drop weight. so weird. i can eat a lot of the "good" foods and get full and still drop pounds.

rode my bike today. love being out.

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