Wednesday, April 21, 2010

day 3-

woke up in a much better mood today. headache seems to be gone and I feel a little more awake. yay!

this mornings breakfast was ok. I thought yesturday's was better.

when I was in yoga teacher training we would do "cleanses". and one thing I remember is that going through a cleanse could bring up lots of shit. this detox is doing the same. I've had to really face bit only my bad eating habits, but the emotions and feelings that come along with those unhealthy choices.

the hardest part has been bringing my "monkey mind" back into control. interesting how the mind will try to rationalize bad behavior.

going to do a little yoga now. :)

----around 2p I crash and start craving sweets. whenever a stressful situation arises I crave sweets. hmmm....

----Zoe's club practice was cancelled tonight :). that meant I was able to make dinner earlier than usual.

I'm feeling a ton better and I am hoping that I start getting my energy back. I miss kickboxing and really want to get on my bike.

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