Monday, April 26, 2010

day 8

i'm proud of myself. i am subbing today and before i left the house i made my breakfast, snack and lunch. ofcourse, i did not do exactly what is on the menu - but i did prepare things that were on previous menus. chopping up veggies is pretty quick and I'm glad i took the 20 seconds to do it.

i've been feeling good. i haven't lost any more weight, but I am good with that. my clothes fit with a little more room and my energy level is up. what is my greatest accomplishment is that i am able to say no to sweets much more easily now. i have also started to recognize all the places that we consume sugar that aren't obvious - in our cereal, condiments, marinades etc.

the kids eat many of these meals with me. they have some favorites. this healthy life experiment has been good for them too. while cutting out carbs is not really an option for them right now, since they are growing and so active, it is beneficial for them to acknowledge just how much sugar they consume when eating snacks or having that occasional soda. i don't want to make them food obsessed, but i do want to make eating healthy a natural part of who they are.

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